Master Mooji Says:
"If you are a person this world will seem full of persons. When you are the being you will not feel bound. You will know every being, look in the eyes of every being, and you know, you will recognize yourself. These things are not poetry. They are simple truths. You will experience them. In your heart they will be confirmed."
Se sei una persona questo mondo ti sembrerà pieno di persone.
Quando ti sentirai un essere umano non ti sentirai più in catene.
Conoscerai ogni essere umano, lo guarderai negli occhi e riconoscerai te stesso.
Questa non è poesia, è la semplice verità.
Ne verrai a conoscenza e ne avrai la conferma dentro di te.
Per approfondire:
[Person versus human being: an analysis of the main argumentative scheme? Of the discussion].
[Article in Spanish]
The value of the concept of person in bioethics has been questioned in recent years by authors like Singer, Engelhardt, Harris and others, who water down its ontological consistency by reducing it to mere qualities "in acto" like rationality and self-conscience. Consequently, they limit enormously the subjects to which it can be applied. Embryos, foetuses, children, people in coma, the elderly in terminal phases, among others, could not be considered persons since they are not completely self-conscious beings. In this article, the author analyses the main argumentative scheme used by these authors to support their assertions, discuss its validity, points out the ethical problems that arise, reaffirms the centrality of the concept of person and suggests ways of research which can provide suitable answers to this kind of reasoning
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