"Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys"
as written by Jim Capaldi and Steve Winwood
If you see something that looks like a star
And it's shooting up out of the ground
And your head is spinning from a loud guitar
And you just can't escape from the sound
Don't worry too much, it'll happen to you
We were children once, playing with toys
And the thing that you're hearing is only the sound of
The low spark of high-heeled boys
The percentage you're paying is too high priced
While you're living beyond all your means
And the man in the suit has just bought a new car
From the profit he's made on your dreams
But today you just read that the man was shot dead
By a gun that didn't make any noise
But it wasn't the bullet that laid him to rest was
The low spark of high-heeled boys
If you had just a minute to breathe and they granted you one final wish
Would you ask for something like another chance?
Or something similar as this? Don't worry too much
It'll happen to you as sure as your sorrows are joys
And the thing that disturbs you is only the sound of
The low spark of high-heeled boys
If I gave you everything that I owned and asked for nothing in return
Would you do the same for me as I would for you?
Or take me for a ride, and strip me of everything including my pride
But spirit is something that no one destroys
And the sound that I'm hearing is only the sound
The low spark of high-heeled boys
per saperne di più
The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys (1971) è il sesto album del gruppo rock inglese dei Traffic.
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Come i precedenti lavori, anche questo album è caratterizzato da forme e propaggini rock, tra cui jazz rock, progressive rock e rock & roll classico. Il titolo per l'album venne suggerito dall'attore Michael J. Pollard.Dall'album verranno fuori canzoni di successo come Rock & Roll Stew (part 1) e The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys. Questo è l'unico album originale dei Traffic dove due brani vengono cantati da Jim Capaldi (Light Up Or Leave Me Alone e Rock & Roll Stew). L'altro suo accompagnamento vocale in un album registrato in studio dei Traffic è Dealer di Mr. Fantasy.
Low Spark of High Heeled Boys è stata eseguita numerose volte come cover nel corso dei successivi 20 anni dai Widespread Panic, un gruppo rock statunitense di Athens (Georgia). Light Up Or Leave Me Alone è stata talvolta suonata dal vivo dai Phish.
Low Spark of High Heeled Boys venne rimasterizzata e ripubblicata insieme a un altro brano il 19 marzo del 2002.
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